NVIDIA DIY Autonomous Car Race
Single website page
Each year NVIDIA holds an Autonomous Car Race for enthusiasts.
During COVID's limitation, the number of participants was reduced.
My task was to design NVIDIA a single website page for the car operators.
The plan is to have participants send their DIY Autonomous Car Race to the race track and then control and monitor their cars via your website.
This is my design process
User Goals & Tasks
User Goals:
Control car remotely
Compete in the race
Watch car status
User Tasks:
Connect the car’s IP
Switch car mode from autonomous to manual
Choose preferred display
NVIDIA’s DIY Autonomous Car Race - Website
What I learned
Race Rules &
What are
autonomous cars
Who are
the users
YouTube Videos
What I learned
What a race looks like
Who are
the users
There are online races but with virtual cars
What I learned
Who are
the users
What the cars are made of
Professional information
DIY ROBOCARS Facebook & Twitter
What I learned
Who are
the users
What are the user's interests
What are the users difficulties
User Stories
As a user, I want to be able to start, stop and take control of the car, in order to compete in the race.
As a user, I want to see the car's status to be able to assess the car performance.
As a user competing with my car, I want to call the track’s helper, in order to get help on the track.
Peter Miller
Age: 31
Location: Washington, DC, USA
Occupation: Programmer in the army's Cyber Department
Peter has been making autonomous cars for 5 years, he has a group of classmates who meet once a week and drive cars.
Pain Points & Concerns
His car is his baby, and he is afraid of the remote control abilities, if something happens to the car, how can he ask for help from a crew member on the track.
Goal & Interests
He wants to be able to finish the track without the car getting stuck or overturned.
Shelly Gross
Age: 21
Location: Seattle, WA, USA
Occupation: Computer Science students
Shelly is part of a female student team that builds and programs autonomous cars.
They heard about the competition and decided to sign up and produce the winning car.
Pain Points & Concerns
She is worried about the division of responsibilities in the team, how each one will be able to control her area of responsibility and in the end if something went wrong understand what the cause is and fix it remotely.
Goal & Interests
To be able to communicate correctly and that the competition will be a constructive and positive experience for the team.
John White
Age: 47
Location: London, England
Occupation: Electrical Engineer in a software company
John loves the idea of a smart home, and he creates a lot of modules for his private home.
John has a 12 years old son, and together they build autonomous cars. It's their quality time together.
Pain Points & Concerns
John has a hard time when he's not near the car itself, he likes to see exactly where it is. In addition, he wants to allow his son to lead and not take over.
Goal & Interests
He wants to take the competition in a fun way and not competitively and professionally.
He hopes the competition will connect him and his son and provide special quality time together.
Design References
Different Car Race display
What and how the information is presented, what is the hierarchy between them
Understanding the company's design system, fonts, colors,
and icons
Assumptions Before The Design
The control of the car is done using a remote control/joystick.
The users have different roles during the race so the display should be dynamic.
The users compete from home, so they see the website on a big computer screen.
The world of racing and gaming is usually present in Dark Mode.